Music I Am #14 – Alan Fletcher, composer & CEO

The moment when you knew you wanted to be a musician:

I was four years old. I have four older siblings, all musical, and my mother was a musician. So, I sat under the piano during their lessons and then tried to reach the keyboard to imitate what they were learning.

An important skill for a career in music that does not have anything to do with an instrument or making music:

Dramatic capacity for focus.

Two ways you stay motivated:

Read new fiction and look at lots of visual art.

Latest album or recording project:

Not focused on recording. The project I’ll highlight is part of a large group commission from Alisa Weilerstein for a series of programs staged theatrically: Fragments

What inspired it:

Alisa Weilerstein asked each composer (of about 20, I think) to create a world for solo cello that would become part of a program paired with one of the Bach suites. But, none of us knew which suite or where in the suite – she would make the choices after receiving all the music. It happened that I was doing a transcription project for Simone Dinnerstein at the same time, working from the Orgelbuchlein. I was saturated in Bach, and, whereas many of my composing colleagues wrote adventuresome, improvisatory things, I wrote a straight-ahead Allemande.

Who’s on it:

Alisa Weilerstein

How do you discover new music?

Music is always new.

One living and one dead musician that deserves more attention:

I love Missy Mazzoli’s music; she’s now getting lots of well-deserved attention, though.

Where can we find you online?

Regrettably, I still haven’t made a website.

Upcoming Event you’d like to share? 

Alisa’s project goes worldwide soon.

* Full Disclosure: Alan wrote Lullaby in Three Voices for Aaron’s New Lullaby Project and Aaron recorded it on Nights Transfigured
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