Music I Am #12 – Frederic Hand, composer-guitarist

The moment when you knew you wanted to be a musician:

Attending a Segovia concert in Town Hall, NY., it was magical. As we were leaving the concert hall I told my mother that I was going become a classical guitarist. I was six years old.

An important skill for a career in music that does not have anything to do with an instrument or making music:

To be secure within yourself so that you can work from a place of authenticity.      

Two ways you stay motivated:

Listening to jazz while cooking dinner and talking to artist friends from different disciplines about the creative process.

Latest album or recording project:

“Across Time”, an album of original compositions spanning forty years, including my most recent works, recordings previously unreleased, and digitally remastered works from the age of vinyl. My wife Lesley joins me to sing three songs.

What inspired it:

A combination of having written new compositions that I wanted put out into the world and older ones that were either never released or were recorded but didn’t make it into the digital age.

Who’s on it:

I play all of the solo guitar works and my wife Lesley joins me in singing three songs.

How do you discover new music?

From friends recommendations, streaming platforms and listening to the radio while driving.

One living and one dead musician that deserves more attention:

Branford Marsalis and Ralph Vaughan Williams

Where can we find you online? 


Upcoming Event you’d like to share?

World premier of my new work: Theme, Variations and Finale performed by Benjamin Verdery at the Yale University (free streaming available).


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