Music I Am #41 – Nathalie Bonin, violin

The moment when you knew you wanted to be a musician:

I think my heart and soul knew from a very young age that I was to be a musician but after a few detours including pre-med, I consciously made the decision to be a creative and a musician when I was 24.

An important skill for a career in music that does not have anything to do with an instrument or making music:

Business, management and marketing because unless you are lucky to have a team to do this for you, especially in the beginning, chances are you will be the one that also has to plan, promote and sell your music. Talent is only a part of an artist’s life and there are countless hats we have to wear.

Two ways you stay motivated:

I keep surrounding myself with positive, inspiring and devoted people with whom I can share the successes as well as the struggles and be inspired by their discipline and efforts. Having that friend and community support is crucial because, let’s face it, it is a tough industry. Having the confidence that I was given a talent and that I have a very clear purpose to create and perform music that speaks to the heart. When people tell me how they were moved by my music or that it resonated so much or even healed them, it reminds me of how special it is to speak the language of music that can transmit so many emotions to literally EVERYONE on the planet.

Latest Project:

My latest main release is Aspirations on the Audio Network label. This album was recorded at the famous Abbey Road Studio 2 as well as School Farm Studios with a 30-piece ensemble and myself as soloist with James Brett conducting. This is my first collaboration with Audio Network and it has been an absolute dream to work with this team!








What inspired it:

Aspirations is Inspired by my journey to LA, taking that leap of faith, and facing some of the toughest yet most inspiring challenges in my life including a near fatal accident in 2021. This album is born out of the love, the support, the story, and the courage to follow my dream.

Who’s on it:

I was lucky to have some of the best session players in the world to record my music. The String ensemble was contracted by Isobel Griffiths Ltd, conducted by James Brett and led by Clio Gould as concertmaster with featured artists: Paul Bateman on piano, Caroline Dale on Cello, Auriel Pawsey on harp and myself as solo violinist.

How do you discover new music?

I like to ask what my friends are listening, I look at what the music platforms suggest, I go to concerts and shows and just keep being curious about what is coming out and be open to discover new styles and artists.

One living and one dead musician that deserves more attention:

  1. Danaë Xanthe Vlasse, a half-French, half-Greek composer living in Los Angeles since 2005. Her music encompasses art song, chamber music, works for solo piano and choral pieces and is associated to 11 albums.
  2. Lili Boulanger, a prodigy composer and musician and the first woman to be awarded the Grand Prix de Rome for her composition. She unfortunaly passed away very young at 24.

Where can we find you online?

You can find me on pretty much all socials IG: @nathalieboninmusic
TikTok: @nathalieboninmusic
Facebook: @nathaliebonin.violin
X (Twitter): @NBonin
You can listen to my music on all major music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Tidal, Deezer etc..

Upcoming Event you’d like to share?

I have a few exciting Private events performing at the Biltmore in December and looking to have more performances of my music in 2024… some exciting projects in the pipes but too early to share details.

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