Music I Am #23 – Miguel del Águila, composer
- Music I Am
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The moment when you knew you wanted to be a musician:
I always saw myself as a composer, even as a toddler, before knowing what that was I was “composing” music I sung or whistled or performed with pots and pans or anything available.
An important skill for a career in music that does not have anything to do with an instrument or making music:
languages, psychology
Two ways you stay motivated:
Know what inspires you and do more of it. Love what you do, think of the paycheck and your bills.
Latest Project:
Miguel del Aguila Orchestral Works album – Augusta Symphony, Albany Records

Miguel del Aguila Orchestral Works album CD 2022 2023 Augusta Symphony Orchestra Dirk Meyer conductor Guillermo Figueroa violin Albany
What inspired it:
The CD project was started by the conductor Dirk Meyer and my desire to record some unrecorded orchestral works.
Who’s on it:
Miguel del Aguila music, Augusta Symphony, Dirk Meyer conductor Guillermo Figueroa violin
How do you discover new music? Youtube searches, sight reading thousands of obscure pieces and composers
One living and one dead musician that deserves more attention:
Almost all Hispanic composers living and dead deserve more attention.
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