Archive for March, 2015

Oregon and Washington Tour Photos and Video!

I had a fantastic time traveling through Oregon and Washington in early February.  In a little over nine days I performed six concerts, one radio show and a workshop in two states. I gave the Oregon-Washington premieres of Lynn Job’s ‘The Sixth Night’, Nolan Stolz’s ‘Lullaby for Sam’, Scott Wheeler’s ‘Nachtlied’, Garrett Ian Shatzer’s ‘Lullaby for D—‘ (world premiere and 45th New Lullaby) and my new arrangements of Bach and Scarlatti. My return to the Pacific Northwest came at a wonderful time: I missed the worst of the snow in Boston! A full map of my travels are below.

Practicing some Scarlatti in Astoria, Oregon:

For the opening concert at Grace Episcopal Church in Astoria, Oregon, the amazing artist Charles Schweigert allowed for his painting ‘Hagoromo’ to share the performance space with me, giving another interpretation of the Japanese myth while I performed Keigo Fujii’s ‘The Legend of Hagoromo’. A detail of the painting will be the cover art on my forthcoming CD!

A true ‘full-house’ in Oysterville, Washington. It was my second performance for this wonderful house concert series.  Read a post about hosting such events by Sydney Stevens, click HERE.

The Volcanic Theatre Pub in Bend, Oregon was the third concert of the tour.  Met by old friends and eager ears!


A pop-up concert was added at the last minute back in Astoria in collaboration with the Orange on Blue Gallery Exhibit by Darren Orange at the John Jacobs Hotel. It was a fantastic evening with tango dancers improvising, gorgeous art work and a curious and excited audience! Watch a brief video by Jeff Daly: HERE (FB)

DSCN3511dancersMyself, tango dancers JL Gillikin & Heather Hryciw and Artist Darren Orange


Astoria has an amazing number of artists and writers. After the performance I was surprised to meet the celebrated artist Noel Thomas.  He drew this sketch:
Noel Thomas DrawingThe Coaster Theatre in Cannon Beach received a special Valentine’s Day concert, Of Love & Dreams.  The concert featured a great audience in a wonderful venue.  They also hosted in me a beautiful hotel on the beach and made sure the sun was just right so I could walk barefoot in the sand. IMG_7131IMG_7114DSCN3526

A selfie prior to concert time in Cannon Beach followed by an advertisement at Lincoln City Cultural Center, which I did not know about until I arrived! I found myself intrigued when I was drying my hands. Quite a smile!
IMG_7140 IMG_7180 IMG_7156One of the pleasures of touring is meeting friends on the road and being touched by their generosity. My fraternity brothers and sisters of Mu Phi Epsilon are very special and never cease to amaze me.  I met Judy and RG Goff when I was a wee lad of 19. In Bend they fed me, made sure I stayed hydrated with local concoctions, got me walking and were great supports in so many ways. Besides being very patient, Judy is a fantastic teacher and singer. Here she is at Lava Butte in Deschutes National Forest.

DSCN3429Hanging with MPE brother Michael Lasfetto in Portland. Great sushi!

And with Mom in Astoria following the concert at the Darren Orange exhibit.
DSCN3515It was a marvelous tour! I met many fascinating people, some who attended three performances(!), premiered multiple works, collaborated with dancers and artists, explored amazing scenery, enjoyed good coffee and sushi and made some beautiful music, all while driving just under 900 miles.  I can’t wait for the next tour!

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 3.58.52 PMThank you Oregon and Washington!!


String Endorsement of Hannabach!

I am proud to announce that I now endorse Hannabach Classical Guitar Strings. I use Hannabach Silver 200 Set 900 regularly including for my forthcoming CD The Legend of Hagoromo, to be issued by Stone Records (UK). I have nothing but praise for the strings: colorful, full of depth and personality, agile, smooth, full, and consistent!

I am proud to call myself a Hannabach Artist!

Thank you Hannabach!

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 9.12.09 PM

String Order Number 1, 3-15

Hannabach Classical Guitar Strings, Silver 200

Hannabach Classical Guitar Strings, Silver 200