Catherine is simply the best! In a short amount of time, she was able to help me reach a higher level of healing, comfort, and functionality (I had foot surgery and physical therapy but was still experiencing significant pain and lack of mobility). Catherine has excellent knowledge of the human body, an intuitive sense of "the source of pain," and a wealth of home exercises that are effective. I will not hesitate to work with her again in the future! She is a talented healer and a wonderful human-being. – Carin Taylor
My name is Antonio Longhi, a retired teacher of Art and a singer/songwriter, from England. My wife, Denise, and I stayed with Catherine and her husband Aaron, in September 2019. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis over 20 years ago. I have used acupuncture for many years. Catherine had observed that my posture was probably causing me more problems and she suggested Cathar Yoga may alleviate unnecessary pain. Her ‘hands on’ approach using Shiatsu techniques combined with elements of yoga, left me with no doubts as to her ability to ‘heal’. The treatment was at times ‘vigorous’ and at other times ‘calming’. In such a short period the benefits were evident. My posture was definitely more upright and the pain I was experiencing was dissipated. I have continued with some of the exercises, Catherine had taught me, in such a short period of time, since returning back to England. Without reservation, I implore anyone with an openminded approach to life, to explore the methods of a holistic healing, that Catherine offers.
My name is Ricky Berger. I am an attorney, educator, and musician. I am also a martial artist striving to finally achieve my black belt in Aikido. At the time of this writing, I am about to turn 60. I came to Catherine because arthritis in my large toes was making it very hard for me to practice seated martial arts techniques which are necessary for my testing for rank. I was also suffering lower back pain, lingering discomfort from a shoulder separation, and both of my wrists were in pain from my activities and age. Although I was only with Catherine for a short time, she helped me immensely. Catherine's "hands-on" work was very innovative and she successfully began me on a path of recovery of my specific issues, and generally for my overall health and well-being as well. Catherine's style of practice includes what may be referred to as sports and/or personal life counseling on subjects ranging from diet to exercise to meditation. I have never experienced any yoga or massage therapy like what Catherine offers. Catherine is very unique; She is worth her weight in gold.
"Dearest Catherine,
In the month since I’ve stayed with you as a last-minute Airbnb guest, I’ve thought of you often, and have felt such gratitude for our chance meeting, your kind hospitality and the healing session we had together. I’ve reflected on how special and rare it is to have sanctuaries like yours, abundant with life, nourishment, vitality, creativity, music, and community. Read more
I think so many people are grasping and yearning for these qualities and feel ill-equipped to create those circumstances for themselves. It becomes so much easier and within reach to experience and see an example of this alchemy in the wild, which is what you’ve created. I’m so compelled by the wisdom you have to offer and am eager to devote time to learning more."
"Catherine Larget Caplan, to my mind, is a deeply knowledgeable, intuitive and gifted healer. She was able to pinpoint and analyze the imbalances in my body immediately. Recovering from a badly sprained foot, serious injuries, and mindful of my scoliosis/ back issues, she was also able to address the origin of digestive issues and debilitating random stomach pain, as well. In three intense sessions, three hours each, with extremely strong hands and fingers she was able to begin the long process of detangling knots, returning muscles and spine to their proper position. Read More
She has restored my sense of health and well being which had been severely compromised in the past few months. There is much more to be done and much more for me to learn from her, once I can afford to resume treatments, but the framework of health which she has helped me establish is now stable. I have always taken my health seriously, with a good intuitive sense of my health needs, maintain a very healthy lacto-Ovo vegetarian diet, keep very active physically, take private Pilates classes, swim, walk and bike and am an active professional musician. I am considered in excellent health and have high energy, generally, but have had serious injuries which periodically set me back. Through the help of excellent chiropractic, Pilates, Massage and acupuncture practitioners, I have been able to heal quite quickly. Catherine fuses all these modalities and her great intuitive knowledge of the body, mind and emotions is unsurpassed, in my experience. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing an honest consultation, and ready to deal with the deepest, most fundamental aspects of health and well being, through intense and systematic treatments.
- C.S.
Client multple times
have been working with Catherine for a year and a half
now. I began by having a shiatsu once a month and worked
my way up to yoga class and shiatsu once every two weeks.
Effects were immediately noticeable in my body as well as
in my emotional and psychological well-being. However this
work builds momentum and changes have begun happening at
exponential rates. My health has returned with such vitality. Read more
I use to have chronic sinus headaches and
irritable bowel syndrome. I also had difficulty taking
deep breaths. Through shiatsu treatments and the Cathar
yoga practice. I rarely get sinus headaches and when I do
they are of such a mild nature that I almost do not
recognize them as such. I no longer have irritable bowl
symptoms; my bowel functions are normal and stable. My
body itself has changed dramatically. I used to have
slumped shoulders and excessive weight on my thighs. My
arms used to be very week and I used to have shin splints.
Now my posture is quite good and self-sustaining; I do not
have to strain to maintain it. My thighs and hips have
completely changed and the excess weight is going away on
its own now that my legs and hips are more properly
aligned. My back is so much more defined. I used to see
people with beautiful, balanced bodies and think that they
were just genetically lucky. I did not know that such a
body was a matter of proper alignment and chi flow.
Cathar Yoga and all that it entails, brings health of the
highest form back into the body. It allows the body to
express its highest energetic potential. From doing this
work I have more and more energy every day. My mind is
clearer and can focus with greater ease. Before beginning
my Cathar Yoga practice I had a great deal of confusion in
my life. My health problems, particularly digestive and
sinus, were creating a great deal of fogginess in my mind.
While my work is not yet done, the fog has definitely
Catherine is the only person I know that understands what
health is really about. For most of us, health is the
absence of noticeable illness. Because of this definition,
I accepted an average level of energy and health. I also
rarely associated my emotional and psychological stress
with my physical body. The work with Catherine has shown
me that they are in fact one in the same. A healthy body,
in truth, is so much more than we think. A healthy body is
also a healthy psyche and a healthy spirit. Cathar yoga is
a practice that brings you to that height of human
potential. It is a truly life transforming practice and
perhaps the most needed wisdom of our day."
-Margo S.
Client 2-years
"I have a long history of multiple physical problems for over 20 years, even during childhood. Briefly, I grew up on a working farm and played most sports in school, yet I still had major pains in my joints and suffered from migraines.
Throughout my life I have seen many specialists, especially so in the last 10 years, which has proven to be
excruciatingly difficult just to lead somewhat of a normal life. Read more
In 2003 I had a spinal fusion performed because my
L5-S1 disc had completely degenerated. I’m only 35
years-old now. I do not believe in taking prescription
medications although they were widely prescribed for me.
Along the way there definitely were some healthcare
providers that were very helpful and supportive, but I
still didn’t feel like I was getting to the root of the
problem. I don’t think I would be able to appreciate what
Catherine offers had I not gone through all the ‘hoops’
first. After just 3 treatments from Catherine, I was able
to walk the streets of New York for hours during a recent
trip there. Before that, I wasn’t even able to walk for
even a few minutes (massive pain in hips, legs go numb,
etc.). I am at the beginning of my journey and am learning
so much from Catherine in every area of life. I am
realizing how much I suffered emotionally during my
childhood as well as through my adult life, and how it has
tortured my physical body. For the first time in my life I
have hope that I will be better, and that’s not easy for
me to say.
So if you are at the end of your rope, and you are ready
to invest in yourself, come see Catherine!"
- Christine D.
Client 1-year
"Dear Mrs. Catherine Larget-Caplan and The Music & Life Program:
I write this letter of thanks to you with great appreciation and esteem for your work, especially those
surgical hands. I can say that the improvements made in your hands were nothing short of miraculous, and in only two very short visits. I came with problems that seemed acceptable and possibly curable to the medical
establishment, yet I realized that the issues went beyond one day and one injury, but were an amassed life time of events. For my injuries and problems, your verbal and physical probing went more deeply and successfully than any blade and your eyes and intuitive hands saw more than any MRI. Read more
After just undergoing a second major surgery on my neck, I
was a bit hesitant to trust you and give your expertise a
try, but as impossible as it may sound, I left the session
being able to do things I did not know I could and had
assumed never to be able to do especially without pain:
• Kneel with the tops of my feet on the floor
• Hold a pole in my hands above my head
• Move a full range of motions with my shoulder
• Bend an “arthritic” joint in my hand
Most gratifying is that before you no one could touch my
left foot let alone fix the excruciating pain I felt; it
was hyper-sensitive to touch for anyone, but you did. It
hurt horribly, but you did fix it. And in your very honest
and straightforward way you even showed me that, sadly, I
had more problems that I thought. It was not always
pleasant but it was true.
Your insight into healing, life, psychology, philosophy
(east & west), and the workings of the body are
clearly evident and applied thoroughly. But what I think
is even more potent in this world of fast-food characters
is your empathy for your client. You perform, not practice
this skill/Art because you want me to be better for me and
for my life; you actually care. I have never spent as much
time as a doctor or patient with any person of the medical
establishment (MD, DMD, etc) and/or healing arts as I did
with you: 6 hours in a day!!
As I have said many times to you since, “I wish I had a
Catherine in Denver” it is true. Would it mean I would be
a perfect client and make all the necessary “life changes”
that you talk about, maybe not. But I know that if I truly
want to fulfill my life’s mission of healing and mentoring
others, than I must start with MYSELF and do what is
necessary to make sure I am in full health to live life
Murray C., MD
Client 2-days
" When I first met Catherine Larget-Caplan in the fall of 1998, I had already, at age 25, compiled a rather substantial list of health issues, some chronic, some “mysterious” and some that had come and then gone, either on their own or with assistance. I am a guitarist by profession and counted among my difficulties tissue damage in the hands from improper (as opposed to excessive) usage, which required me to take a 6-month break from playing at age 20. I developed a chronic twisting in the spine, which stemmed from the hand problems, which in turn led to chronic misalignment and pain that showed up all the way down to my knees and feet, and included great difficulty finding any shoes that I could wear, as well as occasional burning sensations from pinched nerves. The distortion in the spine affected some of my organs. Read more
This included erratic heartbeats, and digestive issues including gastritis,
constipation and bloating. Additionally I’d experienced at
least one episode of prostatitis, and had most of the
symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Prior to my late
teens I had always considered myself to be healthy and so
this degenerative cycle I found myself in was at first
hard to believe, and eventually became quite troubling to
say the least. Other signs of trouble included developing
allergies-which until my late teens I had never
experienced- first to pollen and then to penicillin and
later to an array of chemicals including perfumes and cleaning products.
Throughout the period from ages 20-25 I wound up exploring
a wide range of health care options as I looked for ways
to eliminate the various problems I was experiencing.
Initially, I had several visits with doctors, physical
therapists and chiropractors. In general the doctors tests
showed nothing, and in the case of the prostatitis
antibiotics were offered speculatively “in case it was
bacterial.” In the case of physical therapy the treatments
actually exacerbated the problems I was seeking to heal.
In 1998, at age 24, immediately following a trip to South
America I experienced a very intense episode of sickness
that left my body very weakened and left me having periods
of intermittent dizziness and difficulty with my memory
for several months afterward along with heightened
digestive sensitivity. The three doctors that I saw about
this had no answers and one of them actually said to me
“doctors don’t always know everything and this is one of
those times."
My concern, frustration and lack of results from the
mainstream medical world led me to look elsewhere for
answers and by the fall of ‘98 when I met Catherine, I had
already worked with an array of ‘alternative’ healers from
different backgrounds including Feldenkreis Method,
Alexander Technique, acupuncture, acupressure, a small
amount of yoga, and some martial arts. I had experienced
differing degrees of success with these modalities and
indeed was able to resume my guitar playing, largely due
to the work I did with the Alexander Technique. None of
these however was able to correct the twist in the spine,
and none of them was able to offer any answers to the
symptoms that developed following the South America trip.
It was shortly after that last visit to the doctor, (where
he told me he didn’t know what was happening), that
Catherine and I met. She came back stage following a
flamenco dance performance I playing in, to say hello to
group members she knew. As it happened, the lead dancer
had twisted his ankle and was in so much pain that he
could not touch that foot to the ground. This of course
was very troubling and was made worse by the fact that we
had just done a matinee and were scheduled to do an
evening performance in just two hours. Catherine launched
into an intensive healing session that enabled the dancer
to get back on the foot and do the next performance! This
being flamenco means the whole style revolves around intense and rapid foot stamping.
I was VERY struck by this.
After the second performance, she and I talked for a while
and I discussed my interest in healing. She took a quick
look at me and was able to describe in surprising detail
what I’d been experiencing. This was all the more moving
to me as no one else I’d seen, as concerned and skilled as
they were, approached the completeness and accuracy of my
situation in their diagnosis that she so immediately came to. She seemed to understand what I was going through.
I have worked with Catherine now for over seven years
doing both her Cathar (Ma) Yoga and receiving regular
hands on (essentially reconstructive) treatments. My
healing process has been a lengthy and involved one, as we
have encountered core issues some of which have been
present from birth. It has meant getting to the bottom of
a complex network of interrelated issues, as the health
problems I experienced have involved the digestive,
nervous, and musculo-skeletal systems, as well as being
connected to lifestyle and emotional patterns. It has
meant stopping and indeed transforming a multi-system
downward health spiral, in the midst of managing to build
a successful and demanding career as a performing
musician. It has meant regeneration of a body that was
falling apart, which is really the hallmark of Catherine’s
work. Catherine addresses and heals issues that others
don’t even see or believe can never be changed. She has a
gift in her ability to see the potential in an unhealthy
body and possesses the means to manifest this
I truly have no idea how I would replace the work
Catherine has been able to do. In my searching I have not
come across anything comparable to what she has discovered
through her own healing process and studies. No one I’ve
encountered has approached the depth of insight, ability,
and incredible thoroughness in the realm of healing that
she exudes. She has an extraordinary commitment to
healing, which is manifested among other ways, by her
continuously expanding depth and breadth of knowledge from
all ends of the healing spectrum and beyond. This is
combined with tremendous inner discipline and obvious
natural abilities and empathy. Over time it has become
clearer and clearer to me that Catherine’s abilities and
insight mark her as truly unique and, without doubt, a
major contributor to the global consciousness around
health and healing. Thanks do not begin to convey my
gratitude to Catherine. For me she has truly been a
lifesaver and an immense fountain of inspiration and
-Jonathan 'Juanito Pascual' Gordon. Boston, 2006
Client for 10-years