Now Musique
Aaron Larget-Caplan

Exploring the new and neglected

Curated by Aaron Larget-Caplan

Now Musique is a new music series celebrating the recital format of new and often neglected solo and ensemble music with outstanding international artists.

Plastic Dream Fugue
Fri Mar 29, 2024 at 7:30pm – Plastic Dream Fugue – Aaron Larget-Caplan, Guitar

First Church Boston, 66 Marlborough Street

Reserve at Eventbrite:

7 Compositions written for the New Lullaby Project

Laurie Spiegel: Remembering
Štěpán Rak: Lullaby
Pasquale Tassone: Ninna Nanna – World Premiere
John McDonald: Upward
Charles Turner:  Lullaby for Lahore – World Premiere
Ian Wiese: Midnight Train
Dean Rosenthal: Sewing Piece

Aaron Larget-Caplan: TBA               


J.S. Bach: Prelude and “fiddle” fugue, BWV 539 & 1001         
Daniel Felsenfeld: Only Winter Certainties
Luis Obregon: Lament

Rafael Popper-Keizer
January 19, 2024 - CANCELLED – Rafael Popper-Keizer, cello

CONCERT: Friday January 19, 2024 • 7:30pm - CANCELLED due to ILLNESS

Program: Nostalgic Quietude – Music of those who left home
Composers: Hilary Tann, Léon Mouravieff, Ralf Gawlick, Ernest Bloch, Pablo Casals, and Bach
Location: First Church Boston, 66 Marlborough Street, Boston 02116 here
Website: Rafael Popper-Keizer here

The Cresset Stone by Hilary Tann • Ballade by Léon Mouravieff • Liebesleid by Ralf Gawlick • Suite #3 by Ernest Bloch • El cant dels ocells by Traditional/Casals • Suite #5 by Johann Sebastian Bach

More concert announcements for 2024 coming soon!


Follow us on Instagram: @nowmusique

Sign Up for Email Updates:



May 2023 - Concert • Providence & Boston

CONCERT: Friday May 19, 2023 • Providence, Rhode Island

Now Musique presents 'Sevilla' a celebration of guitar music with Aaron Larget-Caplan and guest artist Grammy Nominated baritone Johnathan McCullough for an exciting evening of guitar solos and songs. Music by Bach, Larget-Caplan, John Musto, and Spanish Composers featured on Aaron's latest album 'Spanish Candy'!
When: 7pm
Location: The Music Mansion, 88 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02906 • Venue:

CONCERT: Saturday May 20, 2023 • Boston, Massachusetts
Now Musique presents 'Spanish Candy' a celebration of Aaron's 10th album release. Featuring music by Spanish composers, Isaac Albéniz, Francisco Tárrega, Esteban de Sanlúcar, as well as J.S. Bach, Larget-Caplan, and a premiere by Daniel Felsenfeld.
When: 7pm
Location: Chapel of Arlington Street Church, 351 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116

February 2023 – Grant Award from the Massachusetts Cultural Council
Read here:

June 2022 - Grant Award from the City of Boston
Read here:

All concerts are Free, open to the public, and lasting under an hour. All-ages are welcome to attend with each concert being an introduction and exploration of the music for guitar. The programs are built around Aaron's New Lullaby Project, with many composers present, and will feature Aaron's own compositions as well. Audience members who to wear PG rated pajamas for concerts 1, 3-5, will receive a New Lullaby Project sticker!


CONCERT 1: Night Songs & Dances

Thursday August 11 • 5:30pm • Concert • Uphams Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library, 500 Columbia Rd. Dorchester
Music by New Lullaby Project composers Lynn Job, Stanley Hoffman, John McDonald, Frank Warren, Charles Turner, Larget-Caplan and Spanish Composers.
Preview: Monday August 8 • 11:15am • storytime at UC Library
FB event HERE

CONCERT 2: Frets & Plectrums with Frederick Jodry, harpsichord

Saturday August 20 • 7pm • Concert • St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 14 Cushing Ave. Dorchester, 02125
Music by Bach, Boccherini, Scarlatti, and Larget-Caplan
Repeated 8/21 in Newport, RI & 8/28 in Provincetown, MA w/slight variation
Dorchester FB event HERE

CONCERT 3: Lullings

Thursday September 15 • 5:30pm • Concert • Uphams Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library, 500 Columbia Rd. Dorchester
Music by New Lullaby Project composers Ronald Pearl, Tom Nazziola, John Johnstone, Brian Schober, Scott Wheeler, Dean Rosenthal, Larget-Caplan, and Bach

CONCERT 4: Electric Hush

Thursday October 13 • 5:30pm • Concert • Uphams Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library, 500 Columbia Rd. Dorchester
Music by Lainie Fefferman, Tom Flaherty, New Lullaby Project composers Ian Wiese, Gregory Biss, Stefanie Lubkowski, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Larget-Caplan.
* Includes two works for electronics and guitar!

CONCERT 5: Catching Dreams

Thursday November 17 • 5:30pm • Upham’s Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library, 500 Columbia Rd. Dorchester, 02125
Music by New Lullaby Project composers Laurie Spiegel, Anthony Green, Jim Dalton, Michael Veloso, Cutris Hughes, Francine Trester, plus works by Vineet Shende & Larget-Caplan.

*Please visit Aaron's Calendar and FB page for program announcements


America – Music by Living American Composers March 2020 - Cancelled

Michael Hall, viola • Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar

Sunday March 22, 2020 at 7:30pm Arlington Street Church

The program repeats:
• Marh 19 in Dorchester at Upham's Corner Library • March 21 in New York City at National Opera Center
• March 22 in Boston • March 23 in Providence at The Music Mansion • March 24 in Boston at King's Chapel


Francine Trester: Borrowed Blue
John Anthony Lennon: Infinite Arrow
Darleen Mitchell: Images
Thomas L. Read: Traveller’s Frolic*
Antonio Celso Rebeiro: Melancholy Dressed in Yellow
David Liptak: Freight (Guitar Solo)
Tom Flaherty: Steps and Leaps* (Guitar + Electronics)
Alice Shields: Sri Mata (Viola solo)
David Froom: Shades of Red
Matthew Davidson: Magyar Rondo

*World Premiere


Portraits & Light – Music for viola & guitar

Michael Hall, viola • Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar

Saturday April 13, 2019 at 7pm • Arlington Street Church • Ticket: $25, $20 - students; ONLINE HERE

Works for viola and guitar by Samuel Adler, World Premieres by Francine Trester (USA) and Antonio Celso Ribeiro (Brazil), and solos by Kee Yong Chong (Malaysia), Paul Coletti (UK), Arshia Samsaminia (Iran), and Americans Jim Mobberley, Kevin Siegfried and John Cage.

Michael Hall
Michael Hall

Michael Hall, viola, lives in Chicago and is an internationally recognized soloist, teacher, and thought leader. He has over 50 compositions written for him, is a board member of the American Viola Society, and Co-Founder, Artistic Director, and Director of Education of the Bandung Philharmonic - the first professional orchestra in Indonesia.

As a soloist, Michael has appeared in Vienna, Jakarta, Reykjavik, Bangkok, Los Angeles, Bali, New York City, Singapore, Boston, Sorrento and Chicago’s Orchestra Hall. Michael has performed live on NPR, WFMT, and Thailand PBS-TV, and his recordings can be found on the Centaur, Delos, Vienna Modern Masters, Acoma, Albany and Parma labels

Aaron Larget-Caplan
Aaron Larget-Caplan

A passionate and creative explorer of music of our time, guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan plays with “astounding technical proficiency and artistic delicacy” (Boston Musical Intelligencer). An international touring and recording artist, Aaron has performed in Russia, Taiwan, Europe and across the United States including El Palacio de Linares in Madrid, Spain, Yelagin and Sheremetev Palaces and the St. Petersburg Conservatory in Russia, Mantova Chamber Music Festival, Corte Eremo and Castillo de Galeazza in Italy, Kaohsiung Music Hall in Taiwan, Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA and Boston's Jordan Hall.

At the age of 16 he made his debut at the Tabor Opera House and has since premiered over 110 solo and chamber compositions, performed with orchestras, created commissioning endeavors, directed concert series, released eight solo albums, published multliple anthologies and arrangements of the music John Cage, and brought classical music into schools and community settings. A gifted  speaker and educator, he is sought for his deft programming of new and standard repertoire while connecting with audiences with a Bernstein-esque ease.